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EViZ exists to provide an adequate knowledge for students to choose the ideal stream of studies and pathways based on their past performance and accept the responsibility of student/s receiving proper support until the stage where he or she receives relevant Visas and relocates comfortably.

Initially EViZ will carefully go through the CV of the student/s to determine what would be the best-fit based on their exposure and interest. Once the student provides required personal, educational and financial data to EViZ, we will carry out a unique eligibility process to ensure that the student meets the essentials to obtain the selected NewZeland School/University acceptance and the required Student Visas from relevant authorities.

Our counsellors will assist you to choose the most appropriate International Study Course which best-fit for individual students after considering the existing educational back ground and desired qualification/s which would assist the student to achieve his or her future ambitions. We offer a range of NewZeland standard Study Courses from various High Schools, colleges and Universities enabling the student to join in and move on along the international educational path. Students must ensure the required language skills are up to the standard where they could follow the selected course. IELTS, PTE and TOEFL, exams will be the accepted exams to prove the language proficiency and EViz will guide you through the process; unless the student will have to be enrolled to a pathway programme.

EViZ ensures that every single student is equipped with a good preparation before stepping in to a path way of earning an International Qualification/s. Writing of a ‘Statement of Purpose’ (SOP) or Expression of Interest (EOI) to influence Universities for the student to be chosen and obtain an ‘Acceptance Letter’, a comprehensive CV including the student’s employment experiences and how that would link with intended studies are some of the documents within the requirement. Our team will ensure that all the applicants provide neccessary documents at the stage of requesting for an appropriate acceptance from pre-selected schools/universities.

Upon receiving the Certificate of Enrolment (COE) from the University; EViZ will guide the student through to obtain appropriate visas to carry out the studies in overseas in relevant countries. The challenge of providing and/or ensuring required documentation, financial proof statements, health insurance and sponsor related requirements are being over looked by EViZ.

How to write a successful Statement of Purpose (SOP)

This document contents all that you want to be aware to compose an incredible SOP for your application. International Universities expect you to present your application with a Statement of Purpose (SOP) that explains your personal background, educational and professional objectives. This helps the selectors to determine the requirement of the student and in picking the most suitable applicants for the courses offered.

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

A Statement of Purpose (SOP), also known as a Mission or Research is a written document which has to be presented to the university admission board containing clear details regarding an individual’s self-introduction, interests, future goals, your contribution towards the intended prospects, the push you will gain upon completion of the selected study programme, career path achievements, intended career developments and the driving force behind pursuing a particular program. The statement is to be written in form of an essay and this is considered as the most integral activity of the admission seeking process in order for an applicant to be accepted by his or her preferred Educational Institution.

Why Statement of Purpose is a compulsory requirement?

The Statement of Purpose (SOP) contains all essential information which acts as the decision maker of the student’s application. The contents assist the admission committee to assess your existing subject knowledge, your capabilities, interests in grasping the knowledge, how important the course would be for your future aspects, how determined you are to follow the intended course, what benefits which the applicant will receive in future etc etc. This is the best and only opportunity that you are able to influence the selection committee to select you at a student and allow the student to enrol for the requested course in the university. A well written SOP will help the selectors to be confident regarding your English Language abilities and also to realise the true importance for the student by earning the desire qualification.

What you should address when writing a Statement of Purpose?

Below are few essential items in point form, which should be elaborated when writing a SOP

  • Your personal Background
  • Your existing professional Background
  • Your Academic background
  • Your Financial background
  • Your personal and Professional experience
  • Your short and desired long-term goals
  • Your reasons for selecting the country and the university
  • Your reasons to choose the specific field of studies
  • Your future professional targets and how this qualification will assist to meet your goals
  • Your reasons to return upon completion of the study programme

Essential items to be stated in a SOP

Undergraduate programmes

  • The reason for earning the qualification and opportunities ahead of you
  • Previous academic history and achievements
  • Any additional talents and activities which you have accomplished with flying colors
  • How motivated you are to earn the qualification and move up on the ladder
  • Assignments completed by you within your academic history
  • Any professional achievements

Postgraduate programmes

  • Your intended immediate, short and long-term professional and personal goals
  • Proof of academic and professional achievements
  • Abilities of leadership, promptness, teamwork, handling tasks under pressurized office environments and other related essential corporate qualities
  • Career openings in the sector
  • Your contribution to the work place and how it would increase along with the qualification
  • The acceptance of yourself after returning with the intended qualification

How would you compose a decent Statement of Purpose?

Plan ahead

Type down the essential contents which has to be included in the SOP and create a outline for the document. Mentioning details about yourself, family and bit about your family background would be applicable as the introduction. Move on to your academic and professional achievements and state the importance of earning your qualification and the demand it brings to you. Mention reasons to select NZ as your hosting country and the reasons for you to choose the specific Education Institution.

Describe the value it adds on to your CV and the benefits which you would gain after completion successfully. Write down how you would support yourself financially and the reasons for you to return upon completion of the education. Make sure to indicate your high confidence levels regarding the course, the chosen country and the selected university.

Make sure not to leave any time gaps at any stage during your academic and professional timelines. Always be clear with your intentions and make sure to stick to words limitation as advised by the university.

Stay away from

It is advisable not to use many technical terms when writing a SOP. You may write the document by using simple but clear English. Do not leave any grammatical errors as this document will bring the first impression of any student and will influence the decision making process for acceptance to the university. Do not provide bogus information at any time as it would lead to rejection of the application.

Review few times before forwarding

Reviewing the document for few times is a must. You should be confident that the document contains zero errors in provided information or the English language.

The flow of the document is also something which you have to consider when preparing a standardized SOP.

If necessary get assistance from a proof reader before forwarding document. 

Our skilled EViZ counsellors can guide you in writing a great SOP to help secure your admission in the institution of your choice. Speak with your EViZ counsellor today for more details.

All what you should know about IELTS

IELTS-PTE Scores for NZ student visa

Here are some details of the scores required and options to purchase ESOL lessons.

“If you feel that IELTS or PTE is difficult for your partner, don’t buy the ESOL courses right away. It is expensive so you should still go ahead and give the exam.

Based on your best results, you can pay the difference between your score and required score which can save you some money. “


NoStudy/ProfessionLevelsIELTS AcademicPTE Academic
1Certificate or Diploma Program4 or 55.5 no band lower than 5.43-50
2Bachelor or Post Grad Diploma programs6 or 76 no band lower than 5.551-58

Post-graduate Certificate (Level 8),

Bachelor Honors Degree (Level 8), master’s degree (Level 9) or Doctoral Degree (Level 10)

8, 9 or 106.5 no band lower than 658
4Nursing (CAP)77 in each band
5Post Grad Dip Teaching77 in each band65 in all 4 modules
No Visa Type IELTS General/Academic PTE Academic
1 Resident Visa SMC for Principal Applicant 6.5 Overall score 58 or more
2 Resident Visa SMC for Partner/Spouse and Dependent Children over 16 years 5 Overall score 36 or more
3 Religious workers 5 Overall score 36 or more
You can find more information about IELTS/PTE comparison here: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/legislation/nzqa-rules/nzqf-related-rules/the-table/

You do not need to provide test results if one of the following applies to you.

1. You are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom or the United States, and you have spent at least 5 years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand.

2. You have a qualification gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States, and you studied for at least 2 years in any of those countries to get that qualification.

3. You have a qualification gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States, which is comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification. You must have studied for at least 1 year in any of those countries to get that qualification.

Purchasing English Lessons

here: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/tools-and-information/english-language/learning-english-in-new-zealand

You can also buy ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) lessons for your family to come and learn English in New Zealand if they do not speak and understand English. You can find more information

IELTS Mock Test : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXJa7GFjY3U

Tips for student visa interview

Need preparation for your student visa interview?

You have prepared a lot so far to get an offer of place from the college/university of your interest and have applied for a visa. You are waiting for your telephone interview from Immigration and want to make sure that you have the right response in mind.

What questions come to your mind? Some of the questions students have been asked are as follows –

Why New Zealand or the country you have applied for?

Do a good amount of research. Look at the college website yourself, the course content, the subjects, also go to the immigration website and look at the conditions for student visa type, compare colleges and select a college or uni for the right reasons. Don’t have to write it, just understand well and remember it is about your career and life so if the reason is right, you will be able to explain well to anyone in person or phone. Also, check information about the country, weather conditions, culture, safety, diversity, cost of living yourself.

Why the course?

Again, you and family are paying a lot of money. Whichever country, university and course you choose, it has to be linked to what you have done in studies or at work in your home country and you are passionate about building your knowledge, skills or capability in your field. The course must add value to your career growth.

What do you know about the course?

It comes down to your previous qualification and experience. For example, you have studied B.Com but work in IT field in Sri Lanka and have applied for a course in Cookery or non-business or non IT field. In this case, anyone would want to know why you selected the course and if at all let’s say you are passionate about the course, what have you done so far? How good are you at it? Do you know about your course? What are the subjects and how will this help you in your career transition after finishing the course and going back to your home country? You are maybe better for either doing a business-related course or IT related course to gain more knowledge then.

What do you want to do post completion of your course? What is your real reason to do the course? Do you think you are only doing this course to finish the course and then work because you will get a post study work visa or a work permit? Fair enough but what good is it if it is not to gain some.

International experience?

Remember, you have applied for a student visa to be allowed to travel to a country like NZ for the purpose of study. If your true purpose is work, then you should look for other options. The more genuine you know you are, the better your chances of visa approval. Your focus should be study and not work.

Who is sponsoring your education? What is your source of funds? It could be a bank loan, or you have your own funds or your parents or siblings are sponsoring you. Remember, funds should be from a genuine and reliable relative or institution and the source of funds should be available. It should be more than 6 months old such as in case of own funds or sponsored by parents, siblings, partner/spouse, the savings bank account, Fixed deposit, Mutual funds or shares should be more than 6 months old. Don’t try and show someone else’s funds as yours which could land you in trouble.

It could also be that the tuition fee is approved by a bank in India or your country as an education loan and you are showing statements as evidence for your living expenses, approx NZD 17000 – 20000 per year. Remember, this money is remitted back to you on a monthly basis as $1700 when you are in the country studying so you can use it for living expenses.

How do you think the response to such questions are used to assess if you should get the visa approved or declined by Immigration?

Here are some tips for you.

  • Be honest and truthful. It is not going to do any good to you if you withhold information or provide false and misleading information. Don’t fake it.
  • Do it for the right reasons, your answers should provide a clear picture of why you have selected the country, college and course. What is your plan?
  • Listen to the question carefully and answer the questions in a clear and concise manner. Speak at a normal pace, small sentences and in English.
  • Do not read information from a piece of paper. It is very annoying and does not reflect the reason or genuine purpose of you having selected the course.
  • Stick to the purpose. If you have applied for a student visa, you should be looking forward to studying, not working. There is a different visa type for different options. You can of course work part time depending on your visa conditions but that should not be the reason for you to select the course. If the reason is to gain practical experience, that is understandable, but study should not be used as a reason to come into the country and not attend the course.
  • Remember, do think aboutyour passion, previous qualification, experience if any and then select the right course as per career goals. Don’t just gowith any course offered by your agent.
  • Funds should be from a genuine and reliable source.
  • Your evidence and documentation should be genuine and not fake.
  • Any visa declines you have had earlier must be declared.


Prepare your answers and reach out if you need any help.

All the best for your interviews.

There is also a video available for you: https://youtu.be/4bEBsZ_zzSs

Post Education Facilities

Upon completing their studies in NZ, students are allowed to apply for a post study work visa, provided they qualify for the duration and level of Study they’ve achieved. This category of work visa enables students to work any institution based on their choice. Otherwise it is a must that students have to continue with further studies to remain in NZ. However if the student have successfully completed their studies and looking forward to stay back for another period in NZ; students are eligible to pursue number of other permanent and temporary visa options.

Our students may always contact EViZ for any assistance with regard to tips and processes of finding appropriate jobs and other visa requirements.

New Zealand has declared changes to post study work visa necessities to adjust capabilities skill shortage requirements. There is another expertise lack list & quot;Green List" which has a predetermined number of occupations and capabilities connected to the Green List occupations. This will have a direct impact on work visa and a pathway to residence in future such as Straight to residence pathway (Tier 1) and Work to residence pathway (Tier 2). The projects are connected to construction, engineering, medical, teaching, trade and a couple of additional areas. The list will be explored and refreshed
consistently and in the long haul supplant other ability lack records.

We would encourage prospective students to choose a review program keeping their ongoing capability, experience and interests at the top of the priority list that line up with the new prerequisites.

Please feel free to consult EViZ and book an interview with one of our consultants.

How to find a employment in NZ

We have mentioned below some essential information for our students to have a better chance in finding an appropriate employment in NZ post completion of their studies. For students to be entitled they should be holding an appropriate work visa, a permanent resident or a temporary resident visa. Not owning one of the above via itself does NOT leave you away from your dream of living and employing in NZ. Depending on the talents and you have acquired and the requirement of employers you will always have a better chance of receiving a sponsorship from employers where you will be granted relevant Visas to remain in NZ and become a member of kiwi workforce.

Students could go through the recently announced Green list occupations to understand the existing workforce requirements and further support in this regard.

Please find below a few useful websites that you can review

  • Business.govt.nz
  • Careers NZ
  • LinkedIn
  • Seek
  • Angel 
  • New Zealand Now
  • New Kiwis
  • Trade me jobs 
  • Jobted 
  • Skilled Newcomers
  • Programme for Migrants


Statement of purpose


Visa Interview






Contact US

Hotline: +94 11 346 7467

Mobile: +94 77 227 7223


Sanrose Park, Batakettara,
Sri Lanka

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